3 Mistakes To Avoid When Buying A Remote Car Starter

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If your vehicle doesn't come with a remote car starter, you can add an aftermarket remote car starter to your vehicle. This will make it much easier to start up your automobile from inside your house on a cold day. When it comes to buying a remote car starter, there are a few errors you will want to avoid making.

Mistake #1: Too Short of Range

When you buy a remote car starter, you will want to pay attention to the range of the starter. You want a range that is long enough that you will be able to start your vehicle from inside your home.

Many manufacturers will put the range on the package. Keep in mind that the number on the package refers to the range under perfect conditions when no walls, windows, buildings, or other frequencies are getting in the way. That is why you will want to go for a unit that has the further range possible. For example, you may not actually be 1,500 feet away from your vehicle when you need to start it, but with all the interference between the controller and your vehicle, you may need a starter with a range of 1,500 to start your vehicle when you are 500 feet away.

When in doubt, go with a more powerful unit.

Mistake #2: Not Getting the Right Features

When you buy a remote car starter, you will want to purchase one that has all the right features for your vehicle. You can keep it basic and just start and stop your car from a distance. Or you can get a unit that has the ability to allow for keyless entry into your vehicle, or the ability to open your trunk with the press of a button, or the ability to turn on the heated seats or turn on the defrost. Think about what features you want to be able to remotely control and get a controller that can handle all of those functions.

Mistake #3: Not Going for a Professional Installation

Finally, when you purchase a remote car starter, you should always get it professionally installed. Installing a remote starter is a complicated process, as it has to connect to multiple systems inside of your vehicle. If it is not installed correctly, your warranty could be voided on your vehicle. That is why you want to have a professional handle the installation to ensure that it is set up properly and works, and doesn't violate your warranty.

When it comes to purchasing a remote car starter for your vehicle, be sure to get one with a long-range and powerful transmitter. Get one with all the features you want, not just a remote start. Be sure to hire a professional to install the system to protect your vehicle warranty and ensure it is correctly put in place.

For more information, contact a local company, like Sun Stoppers.
